RUN RUN COPY RUN FROM RUN COPY RUN CMD, EXPOSE ... ``` - This leverages the Docker cache: if the code doesn't change, the tests don't need to run - If the tests require a database or other backend, we can use `docker build --network` - If the tests fail, the build fails; and no image is generated .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Docker Compose ```yaml version: 3 service: project: image: my_image_name build: context: . target: dev database: image: redis backend: image: backend ``` + ```shell docker-compose build && docker-compose run project pytest -v ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Skaffold/Container-structure-test - The `test` field of the `skaffold.yaml` instructs skaffold to run test against your image. - It uses the [container-structure-test]( - It allows to run custom commands - Unfortunately, nothing to run other Docker images (to start a database or a backend that we need to run tests) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-managing-configuration class: title Managing configuration .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-testing) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-sealed-secrets) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Managing configuration - Some applications need to be configured (obviously!) - There are many ways for our code to pick up configuration: - command-line arguments - environment variables - configuration files - configuration servers (getting configuration from a database, an API...) - ... and more (because programmers can be very creative!) - How can we do these things with containers and Kubernetes? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Passing configuration to containers - There are many ways to pass configuration to code running in a container: - baking it into a custom image - command-line arguments - environment variables - injecting configuration files - exposing it over the Kubernetes API - configuration servers - Let's review these different strategies! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Baking custom images - Put the configuration in the image (it can be in a configuration file, but also `ENV` or `CMD` actions) - It's easy! It's simple! - Unfortunately, it also has downsides: - multiplication of images - different images for dev, staging, prod ... - minor reconfigurations require a whole build/push/pull cycle - Avoid doing it unless you don't have the time to figure out other options .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Command-line arguments - Pass options to `args` array in the container specification - Example ([source]( ```yaml args: - "--data-dir=/var/lib/etcd" - "--advertise-client-urls=" - "--listen-client-urls=" - "--listen-peer-urls=" - "--name=etcd" ``` - The options can be passed directly to the program that we run ... ... or to a wrapper script that will use them to e.g. generate a config file .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Command-line arguments, pros & cons - Works great when options are passed directly to the running program (otherwise, a wrapper script can work around the issue) - Works great when there aren't too many parameters (to avoid a 20-lines `args` array) - Requires documentation and/or understanding of the underlying program ("which parameters and flags do I need, again?") - Well-suited for mandatory parameters (without default values) - Not ideal when we need to pass a real configuration file anyway .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Environment variables - Pass options through the `env` map in the container specification - Example: ```yaml env: - name: ADMIN_PORT value: "8080" - name: ADMIN_AUTH value: Basic - name: ADMIN_CRED value: "admin:0pensesame!" ``` .warning[`value` must be a string! Make sure that numbers and fancy strings are quoted.] 🤔 Why this weird `{name: xxx, value: yyy}` scheme? It will be revealed soon! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## The downward API - In the previous example, environment variables have fixed values - We can also use a mechanism called the *downward API* - The downward API allows exposing pod or container information - either through special files (we won't show that for now) - or through environment variables - The value of these environment variables is computed when the container is started - Remember: environment variables won't (can't) change after container start - Let's see a few concrete examples! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing the pod's namespace ```yaml - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace ``` - Useful to generate FQDN of services (in some contexts, a short name is not enough) - For instance, the two commands should be equivalent: ``` curl api-backend curl api-backend.$MY_POD_NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing the pod's IP address ```yaml - name: MY_POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP ``` - Useful if we need to know our IP address (we could also read it from `eth0`, but this is more solid) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing the container's resource limits ```yaml - name: MY_MEM_LIMIT valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: test-container resource: limits.memory ``` - Useful for runtimes where memory is garbage collected - Example: the JVM (the memory available to the JVM should be set with the `-Xmx ` flag) - Best practice: set a memory limit, and pass it to the runtime - Note: recent versions of the JVM can do this automatically (see [JDK-8146115]( and [this blog post]( for detailed examples) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## More about the downward API - [This documentation page]( tells more about these environment variables - And [this one]( explains the other way to use the downward API (through files that get created in the container filesystem) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Environment variables, pros and cons - Works great when the running program expects these variables - Works great for optional parameters with reasonable defaults (since the container image can provide these defaults) - Sort of auto-documented (we can see which environment variables are defined in the image, and their values) - Can be (ab)used with longer values ... - ... You *can* put an entire Tomcat configuration file in an environment ... - ... But *should* you? (Do it if you really need to, we're not judging! But we'll see better ways.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Injecting configuration files - Sometimes, there is no way around it: we need to inject a full config file - Kubernetes provides a mechanism for that purpose: `configmaps` - A configmap is a Kubernetes resource that exists in a namespace - Conceptually, it's a key/value map (values are arbitrary strings) - We can think about them in (at least) two different ways: - as holding entire configuration file(s) - as holding individual configuration parameters *Note: to hold sensitive information, we can use "Secrets", which are another type of resource behaving very much like configmaps. We'll cover them just after!* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configmaps storing entire files - In this case, each key/value pair corresponds to a configuration file - Key = name of the file - Value = content of the file - There can be one key/value pair, or as many as necessary (for complex apps with multiple configuration files) - Examples: ``` # Create a configmap with a single key, "app.conf" kubectl create configmap my-app-config --from-file=app.conf # Create a configmap with a single key, "app.conf" but another file kubectl create configmap my-app-config --from-file=app.conf=app-prod.conf # Create a configmap with multiple keys (one per file in the config.d directory) kubectl create configmap my-app-config --from-file=config.d/ ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configmaps storing individual parameters - In this case, each key/value pair corresponds to a parameter - Key = name of the parameter - Value = value of the parameter - Examples: ``` # Create a configmap with two keys kubectl create cm my-app-config \ --from-literal=foreground=red \ --from-literal=background=blue # Create a configmap from a file containing key=val pairs kubectl create cm my-app-config \ --from-env-file=app.conf ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing configmaps to containers - Configmaps can be exposed as plain files in the filesystem of a container - this is achieved by declaring a volume and mounting it in the container - this is particularly effective for configmaps containing whole files - Configmaps can be exposed as environment variables in the container - this is achieved with the downward API - this is particularly effective for configmaps containing individual parameters - Let's see how to do both! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Passing a configuration file with a configmap - We will start a load balancer powered by HAProxy - We will use the [official `haproxy` image]( - It expects to find its configuration in `/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg` - We will provide a simple HAproxy configuration, `k8s/haproxy.cfg` - It listens on port 80, and load balances connections between IBM and Google .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the configmap .exercise[ - Go to the `k8s` directory in the repository: ```bash cd ~/ ``` - Create a configmap named `haproxy` and holding the configuration file: ```bash kubectl create configmap haproxy --from-file=haproxy.cfg ``` - Check what our configmap looks like: ```bash kubectl get configmap haproxy -o yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the configmap We are going to use the following pod definition: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: haproxy spec: volumes: - name: config configMap: name: haproxy containers: - name: haproxy image: haproxy volumeMounts: - name: config mountPath: /usr/local/etc/haproxy/ ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the configmap - The resource definition from the previous slide is in `k8s/haproxy.yaml` .exercise[ - Create the HAProxy pod: ```bash kubectl apply -f ~/ ``` - Check the IP address allocated to the pod: ```bash kubectl get pod haproxy -o wide IP=$(kubectl get pod haproxy -o json | jq -r .status.podIP) ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Testing our load balancer - The load balancer will send: - half of the connections to Google - the other half to IBM .exercise[ - Access the load balancer a few times: ```bash curl $IP curl $IP curl $IP ``` ] We should see connections served by Google, and others served by IBM. (Each server sends us a redirect page. Look at the URL that they send us to!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing configmaps with the downward API - We are going to run a Docker registry on a custom port - By default, the registry listens on port 5000 - This can be changed by setting environment variable `REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR` - We are going to store the port number in a configmap - Then we will expose that configmap as a container environment variable .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the configmap .exercise[ - Our configmap will have a single key, `http.addr`: ```bash kubectl create configmap registry --from-literal=http.addr= ``` - Check our configmap: ```bash kubectl get configmap registry -o yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the configmap We are going to use the following pod definition: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: registry spec: containers: - name: registry image: registry env: - name: REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: registry key: http.addr ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the configmap - The resource definition from the previous slide is in `k8s/registry.yaml` .exercise[ - Create the registry pod: ```bash kubectl apply -f ~/ ``` - Check the IP address allocated to the pod: ```bash kubectl get pod registry -o wide IP=$(kubectl get pod registry -o json | jq -r .status.podIP) ``` - Confirm that the registry is available on port 80: ```bash curl $IP/v2/_catalog ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Passwords, tokens, sensitive information - For sensitive information, there is another special resource: *Secrets* - Secrets and Configmaps work almost the same way (we'll expose the differences on the next slide) - The *intent* is different, though: *"You should use secrets for things which are actually secret like API keys, credentials, etc., and use config map for not-secret configuration data."* *"In the future there will likely be some differentiators for secrets like rotation or support for backing the secret API w/ HSMs, etc."* (Source: [the author of both features]( )) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences between configmaps and secrets - Secrets are base64-encoded when shown with `kubectl get secrets -o yaml` - keep in mind that this is just *encoding*, not *encryption* - it is very easy to [automatically extract and decode secrets]( - [Secrets can be encrypted at rest]( - With RBAC, we can authorize a user to access configmaps, but not secrets (since they are two different kinds of resources) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-sealed-secrets class: title sealed-secrets .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-managing-configuration) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-kustomize) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # sealed-secrets - - has a server side (standard kubernetes deployment) and a client side *kubeseal* binary - server-side start by generating a key pair, keep the private, expose the public. - To create a sealed-secret, you only need access to public key - You can enforce access with RBAC rules of kubernetes .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## sealed-secrets how to - adding a secret: *kubeseal* will cipher it with the public key - server side controller will re-create original secret, when the ciphered one are added to the cluster - it makes it "safe" to add those secret to your source tree - since version 0.9 key rotation are enable by default, so remember to backup private keys regularly. (or you won't be able to decrypt all you keys, in a case of *disaster recovery*) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## First "sealed-secret" .exercise[ - Install *kubeseal* ```bash wget -O kubeseal sudo install -m 755 kubeseal /usr/local/bin/kubeseal ``` - Install controller ```bash helm install -n kube-system sealed-secrets-controller stable/sealed-secrets ``` - Create a secret you don't want to leak ```bash kubectl create secret generic --from-literal=foo=bar my-secret -o yaml --dry-run \ | kubeseal > mysecret.yaml kubectl apply -f mysecret.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Alternative: sops / git crypt - You can work a VCS level (ie totally abstracted from kubernetess) - sops (, VCS agnostic, encrypt portion of files - git-crypt that work with git to transparently encrypt (some) files in git .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other alternative - You can delegate secret management to another component like *hashicorp vault* - Can work in multiple ways: - encrypt secret from API-server (instead of the much secure *base64*) - encrypt secret before sending it in kubernetes (avoid git in plain text) - manager secret entirely in vault and expose to the container via volume .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-kustomize class: title Kustomize .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-sealed-secrets) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Kustomize - Kustomize lets us transform YAML files representing Kubernetes resources - The original YAML files are valid resource files (e.g. they can be loaded with `kubectl apply -f`) - They are left untouched by Kustomize - Kustomize lets us define *overlays* that extend or change the resource files .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences with Helm - Helm charts use placeholders `{{ like.this }}` - Kustomize "bases" are standard Kubernetes YAML - It is possible to use an existing set of YAML as a Kustomize base - As a result, writing a Helm chart is more work ... - ... But Helm charts are also more powerful; e.g. they can: - use flags to conditionally include resources or blocks - check if a given Kubernetes API group is supported - [and much more]( .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Kustomize concepts - Kustomize needs a `kustomization.yaml` file - That file can be a *base* or a *variant* - If it's a *base*: - it lists YAML resource files to use - If it's a *variant* (or *overlay*): - it refers to (at least) one *base* - and some *patches* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## An easy way to get started with Kustomize - We are going to use [Replicated Ship]( to experiment with Kustomize - The [Replicated Ship CLI]( has been installed on our clusters - Replicated Ship has multiple workflows; here is what we will do: - initialize a Kustomize overlay from a remote GitHub repository - customize some values using the web UI provided by Ship - look at the resulting files and apply them to the cluster .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting started with Ship - We need to run `ship init` in a new directory - `ship init` requires a URL to a remote repository containing Kubernetes YAML - It will clone that repository and start a web UI - Later, it can watch that repository and/or update from it - We will use the [jpetazzo/kubercoins]( repository (it contains all the DockerCoins resources as YAML files) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## `ship init` .exercise[ - Change to a new directory: ```bash mkdir ~/kustomcoins cd ~/kustomcoins ``` - Run `ship init` with the kustomcoins repository: ```bash ship init ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Access the web UI - `ship init` tells us to connect on `localhost:8800` - We need to replace `localhost` with the address of our node (since we run on a remote machine) - Follow the steps in the web UI, and change one parameter (e.g. set the number of replicas in the worker Deployment) - Complete the web workflow, and go back to the CLI .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Inspect the results - Look at the content of our directory - `base` contains the kubercoins repository + a `kustomization.yaml` file - `overlays/ship` contains the Kustomize overlay referencing the base + our patch(es) - `rendered.yaml` is a YAML bundle containing the patched application - `.ship` contains a state file used by Ship .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the results - We can `kubectl apply -f rendered.yaml` (on any version of Kubernetes) - Starting with Kubernetes 1.14, we can apply the overlay directly with: ```bash kubectl apply -k overlays/ship ``` - But let's not do that for now! - We will create a new copy of DockerCoins in another namespace .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deploy DockerCoins with Kustomize .exercise[ - Create a new namespace: ```bash kubectl create namespace kustomcoins ``` - Deploy DockerCoins: ```bash kubectl apply -f rendered.yaml --namespace=kustomcoins ``` - Or, with Kubernetes 1.14, you can also do this: ```bash kubectl apply -k overlays/ship --namespace=kustomcoins ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking our new copy of DockerCoins - We can check the worker logs, or the web UI .exercise[ - Retrieve the NodePort number of the web UI: ```bash kubectl get service webui --namespace=kustomcoins ``` - Open it in a web browser - Look at the worker logs: ```bash kubectl logs deploy/worker --tail=10 --follow --namespace=kustomcoins ``` ] Note: it might take a minute or two for the worker to start. .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-managing-stacks-with-helm class: title Managing stacks with Helm .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-kustomize) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-helm-chart-format) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Managing stacks with Helm - We created our first resources with `kubectl run`, `kubectl expose` ... - We have also created resources by loading YAML files with `kubectl apply -f` - For larger stacks, managing thousands of lines of YAML is unreasonable - These YAML bundles need to be customized with variable parameters (E.g.: number of replicas, image version to use ...) - It would be nice to have an organized, versioned collection of bundles - It would be nice to be able to upgrade/rollback these bundles carefully - [Helm]( is an open source project offering all these things! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm concepts - `helm` is a CLI tool - It is used to find, install, upgrade *charts* - A chart is an archive containing templatized YAML bundles - Charts are versioned - Charts can be stored on private or public repositories .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences between charts and packages - A package (deb, rpm...) contains binaries, libraries, etc. - A chart contains YAML manifests (the binaries, libraries, etc. are in the images referenced by the chart) - On most distributions, a package can only be installed once (installing another version replaces the installed one) - A chart can be installed multiple times - Each installation is called a *release* - This allows to install e.g. 10 instances of MongoDB (with potentially different versions and configurations) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Wait a minute ... *But, on my Debian system, I have Python 2 **and** Python 3. Also, I have multiple versions of the Postgres database engine!* Yes! But they have different package names: - `python2.7`, `python3.8` - `postgresql-10`, `postgresql-11` Good to know: the Postgres package in Debian includes provisions to deploy multiple Postgres servers on the same system, but it's an exception (and it's a lot of work done by the package maintainer, not by the `dpkg` or `apt` tools). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm 2 vs Helm 3 - Helm 3 was released [November 13, 2019]( - Charts remain compatible between Helm 2 and Helm 3 - The CLI is very similar (with minor changes to some commands) - The main difference is that Helm 2 uses `tiller`, a server-side component - Helm 3 doesn't use `tiller` at all, making it simpler (yay!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## With or without `tiller` - With Helm 3: - the `helm` CLI communicates directly with the Kubernetes API - it creates resources (deployments, services...) with our credentials - With Helm 2: - the `helm` CLI communicates with `tiller`, telling `tiller` what to do - `tiller` then communicates with the Kubernetes API, using its own credentials - This indirect model caused significant permissions headaches (`tiller` required very broad permissions to function) - `tiller` was removed in Helm 3 to simplify the security aspects .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing Helm - If the `helm` CLI is not installed in your environment, install it .exercise[ - Check if `helm` is installed: ```bash helm ``` - If it's not installed, run the following command: ```bash curl \ | bash ``` ] (To install Helm 2, replace `get-helm-3` with `get`.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Only if using Helm 2 ... - We need to install Tiller and give it some permissions - Tiller is composed of a *service* and a *deployment* in the `kube-system` namespace - They can be managed (installed, upgraded...) with the `helm` CLI .exercise[ - Deploy Tiller: ```bash helm init ``` ] At the end of the install process, you will see: ``` Happy Helming! ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Only if using Helm 2 ... - Tiller needs permissions to create Kubernetes resources - In a more realistic deployment, you might create per-user or per-team service accounts, roles, and role bindings .exercise[ - Grant `cluster-admin` role to `kube-system:default` service account: ```bash kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin \ --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default ``` ] (Defining the exact roles and permissions on your cluster requires a deeper knowledge of Kubernetes' RBAC model. The command above is fine for personal and development clusters.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Charts and repositories - A *repository* (or repo in short) is a collection of charts - It's just a bunch of files (they can be hosted by a static HTTP server, or on a local directory) - We can add "repos" to Helm, giving them a nickname - The nickname is used when referring to charts on that repo (for instance, if we try to install `hello/world`, that means the chart `world` on the repo `hello`; and that repo `hello` might be something like .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Managing repositories - Let's check what repositories we have, and add the `stable` repo (the `stable` repo contains a set of official-ish charts) .exercise[ - List our repos: ```bash helm repo list ``` - Add the `stable` repo: ```bash helm repo add stable ``` ] Adding a repo can take a few seconds (it downloads the list of charts from the repo). It's OK to add a repo that already exists (it will merely update it). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Search available charts - We can search available charts with `helm search` - We need to specify where to search (only our repos, or Helm Hub) - Let's search for all charts mentioning tomcat! .exercise[ - Search for tomcat in the repo that we added earlier: ```bash helm search repo tomcat ``` - Search for tomcat on the Helm Hub: ```bash helm search hub tomcat ``` ] [Helm Hub]( indexes many repos, using the [Monocular]( server. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Charts and releases - "Installing a chart" means creating a *release* - We need to name that release (or use the `--generate-name` to get Helm to generate one for us) .exercise[ - Install the tomcat chart that we found earlier: ```bash helm install java4ever stable/tomcat ``` - List the releases: ```bash helm list ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Searching and installing with Helm 2 - Helm 2 doesn't have support for the Helm Hub - The `helm search` command only takes a search string argument (e.g. `helm search tomcat`) - With Helm 2, the name is optional: `helm install stable/tomcat` will automatically generate a name `helm install --name java4ever stable/tomcat` will specify a name .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Viewing resources of a release - This specific chart labels all its resources with a `release` label - We can use a selector to see these resources .exercise[ - List all the resources created by this release: ```bash kubectl get all --selector=release=java4ever ``` ] Note: this `release` label wasn't added automatically by Helm. It is defined in that chart. In other words, not all charts will provide this label. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring a release - By default, `stable/tomcat` creates a service of type `LoadBalancer` - We would like to change that to a `NodePort` - We could use `kubectl edit service java4ever-tomcat`, but ... ... our changes would get overwritten next time we update that chart! - Instead, we are going to *set a value* - Values are parameters that the chart can use to change its behavior - Values have default values - Each chart is free to define its own values and their defaults .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking possible values - We can inspect a chart with `helm show` or `helm inspect` .exercise[ - Look at the README for tomcat: ```bash helm show readme stable/tomcat ``` - Look at the values and their defaults: ```bash helm show values stable/tomcat ``` ] The `values` may or may not have useful comments. The `readme` may or may not have (accurate) explanations for the values. (If we're unlucky, there won't be any indication about how to use the values!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Setting values - Values can be set when installing a chart, or when upgrading it - We are going to update `java4ever` to change the type of the service .exercise[ - Update `java4ever`: ```bash helm upgrade java4ever stable/tomcat --set service.type=NodePort ``` ] Note that we have to specify the chart that we use (`stable/tomcat`), even if we just want to update some values. We can set multiple values. If we want to set many values, we can use `-f`/`--values` and pass a YAML file with all the values. All unspecified values will take the default values defined in the chart. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Connecting to tomcat - Let's check the tomcat server that we just installed - Note: its readiness probe has a 60s delay (so it will take 60s after the initial deployment before the service works) .exercise[ - Check the node port allocated to the service: ```bash kubectl get service java4ever-tomcat PORT=$(kubectl get service java4ever-tomcat -o jsonpath={..nodePort}) ``` - Connect to it, checking the demo app on `/sample/`: ```bash curl localhost:$PORT/sample/ ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-helm-chart-format class: title Helm chart format .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-helm-secrets) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Helm chart format - What exactly is a chart? - What's in it? - What would be involved in creating a chart? (we won't create a chart, but we'll see the required steps) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What is a chart - A chart is a set of files - Some of these files are mandatory for the chart to be viable (more on that later) - These files are typically packed in a tarball - These tarballs are stored in "repos" (which can be static HTTP servers) - We can install from a repo, from a local tarball, or an unpacked tarball (the latter option is preferred when developing a chart) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's in a chart - A chart must have at least: - a `templates` directory, with YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources - a `values.yaml` file, containing (tunable) parameters for the chart - a `Chart.yaml` file, containing metadata (name, version, description ...) - Let's look at a simple chart, `stable/tomcat` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Downloading a chart - We can use `helm pull` to download a chart from a repo .exercise[ - Download the tarball for `stable/tomcat`: ```bash helm pull stable/tomcat ``` (This will create a file named `tomcat-X.Y.Z.tgz`.) - Or, download + untar `stable/tomcat`: ```bash helm pull stable/tomcat --untar ``` (This will create a directory named `tomcat`.) ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Looking at the chart's content - Let's look at the files and directories in the `tomcat` chart .exercise[ - Display the tree structure of the chart we just downloaded: ```bash tree tomcat ``` ] We see the components mentioned above: `Chart.yaml`, `templates/`, `values.yaml`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Templates - The `templates/` directory contains YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources (Deployments, Services, etc.) - These manifests can contain template tags (using the standard Go template library) .exercise[ - Look at the template file for the tomcat Service resource: ```bash cat tomcat/templates/appsrv-svc.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Analyzing the template file - Tags are identified by `{{ ... }}` - `{{ template "x.y" }}` expands a [named template]( (previously defined with `{{ define "x.y "}}...stuff...{{ end }}`) - The `.` in `{{ template "x.y" . }}` is the *context* for that named template (so that the named template block can access variables from the local context) - `{{ }}` refers to [built-in variables]( initialized by Helm (indicating the chart name, version, whether we are installing or upgrading ...) - `{{ }}` refers to tunable/settable [values]( (more on that in a minute) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Values - Each chart comes with a [values file]( - It's a YAML file containing a set of default parameters for the chart - The values can be accessed in templates with e.g. `{{ .Values.x.y }}` (corresponding to field `y` in map `x` in the values file) - The values can be set or overridden when installing or ugprading a chart: - with `--set x.y=z` (can be used multiple times to set multiple values) - with `--values some-yaml-file.yaml` (set a bunch of values from a file) - Charts following best practices will have values following specific patterns (e.g. having a `service` map allowing to set `service.type` etc.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other useful tags - `{{ if x }} y {{ end }}` allows to include `y` if `x` evaluates to `true` (can be used for e.g. healthchecks, annotations, or even an entire resource) - `{{ range x }} y {{ end }}` iterates over `x`, evaluating `y` each time (the elements of `x` are assigned to `.` in the range scope) - `{{- x }}`/`{{ x -}}` will remove whitespace on the left/right - The whole [Sprig]( library, with additions: `lower` `upper` `quote` `trim` `default` `b64enc` `b64dec` `sha256sum` `indent` `toYaml` ... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Pipelines - `{{ quote blah }}` can also be expressed as `{{ blah | quote }}` - With multiple arguments, `{{ x y z }}` can be expressed as `{{ z | x y }}`) - Example: `{{ .Values.annotations | toYaml | indent 4 }}` - transforms the map under `annotations` into a YAML string - indents it with 4 spaces (to match the surrounding context) - Pipelines are not specific to Helm, but a feature of Go templates (check the [Go text/template documentation]( for more details and examples) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## README and NOTES.txt - At the top-level of the chart, it's a good idea to have a README - It will be viewable with e.g. `helm show readme stable/tomcat` - In the `templates/` directory, we can also have a `NOTES.txt` file - When the template is installed (or upgraded), `NOTES.txt` is processed too (i.e. its `{{ ... }}` tags are evaluated) - It gets displayed after the install or upgrade - It's a great place to generate messages to tell the user: - how to connect to the release they just deployed - any passwords or other thing that we generated for them .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Additional files - We can place arbitrary files in the chart (outside of the `templates/` directory) - They can be accessed in templates with `.Files` - They can be transformed into ConfigMaps or Secrets with `AsConfig` and `AsSecrets` (see [this example]( in the Helm docs) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Hooks and tests - We can define *hooks* in our templates - Hooks are resources annotated with `"": NAME-OF-HOOK` - Hook names include `pre-install`, `post-install`, `test`, [and much more]( - The resources defined in hooks are loaded at a specific time - Hook execution is *synchronous* (if the resource is a Job or Pod, Helm will wait for its completion) - This can be use for database migrations, backups, notifications, smoke tests ... - Hooks named `test` are executed only when running `helm test RELEASE-NAME` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-helm-secrets class: title Helm secrets .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-helm-chart-format) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-shipping-images-with-a-registry) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Helm secrets - Helm can do *rollbacks*: - to previously installed charts - to previous sets of values - How and where does it store the data needed to do that? - Let's investigate! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## We need a release - We need to install something with Helm - Let's use the `stable/tomcat` chart as an example .exercise[ - Install a release called `tomcat` with the chart `stable/tomcat`: ```bash helm upgrade tomcat stable/tomcat --install ``` - Let's upgrade that release, and change a value: ```bash helm upgrade tomcat stable/tomcat --set ingress.enabled=true ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Release history - Helm stores successive revisions of each release .exercise[ - View the history for that release: ```bash helm history tomcat ``` ] Where does that come from? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Investigate - Possible options: - local filesystem (no, because history is visible from other machines) - persistent volumes (no, Helm works even without them) - ConfigMaps, Secrets? .exercise[ - Look for ConfigMaps and Secrets: ```bash kubectl get configmaps,secrets ``` ] -- We should see a number of secrets with TYPE ``. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Unpacking a secret - Let's find out what is in these Helm secrets .exercise[ - Examine the secret corresponding to the second release of `tomcat`: ```bash kubectl describe secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 ``` (`v1` is the secret format; `v2` means revision 2 of the `tomcat` release) ] There is a key named `release`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Unpacking the release data - Let's see what's in this `release` thing! .exercise[ - Dump the secret: ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release }}' ``` ] Secrets are encoded in base64. We need to decode that! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Decoding base64 - We can pipe the output through `base64 -d` or use go-template's `base64decode` .exercise[ - Decode the secret: ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode }}' ``` ] -- ... Wait, this *still* looks like base64. What's going on? -- Let's try one more round of decoding! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Decoding harder - Just add one more base64 decode filter .exercise[ - Decode it twice: ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' ``` ] -- ... OK, that was *a lot* of binary data. What sould we do with it? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Guessing data type - We could use `file` to figure out the data type .exercise[ - Pipe the decoded release through `file -`: ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \ | file - ``` ] -- Gzipped data! It can be decoded with `gunzip -c`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Uncompressing the data - Let's uncompress the data and save it to a file .exercise[ - Rerun the previous command, but with `| gunzip -c > release-info` : ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \ | gunzip -c > release-info ``` - Look at `release-info`: ```bash cat release-info ``` ] -- It's a bundle of ~~YAML~~ JSON. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Looking at the JSON If we inspect that JSON (e.g. with `jq keys release-info`), we see: - `chart` (contains the entire chart used for that release) - `config` (contains the values that we've set) - `info` (date of deployment, status messages) - `manifest` (YAML generated from the templates) - `name` (name of the release, so `tomcat`) - `namespace` (namespace where we deployed the release) - `version` (revision number within that release; starts at 1) The chart is in a structured format, but it's entirely captured in this JSON. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Conclusions - Helm stores each release information in a Secret in the namespace of the release - The secret is JSON object (gzipped and encoded in base64) - It contains the manifests generated for that release - ... And everything needed to rebuild these manifests (including the full source of the chart, and the values used) - This allows arbitrary rollbacks, as well as tweaking values even without having access to the source of the chart (or the chart repo) used for deployment .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-shipping-images-with-a-registry class: title Shipping images with a registry .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-helm-secrets) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-registries) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Shipping images with a registry - Initially, our app was running on a single node - We could *build* and *run* in the same place - Therefore, we did not need to *ship* anything - Now that we want to run on a cluster, things are different - The easiest way to ship container images is to use a registry .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## How Docker registries work (a reminder) - What happens when we execute `docker run alpine` ? - If the Engine needs to pull the `alpine` image, it expands it into `library/alpine` - `library/alpine` is expanded into `` - The Engine communicates with `` to retrieve `library/alpine:latest` - To use something else than ``, we specify it in the image name - Examples: ```bash docker pull docker build -t . docker push ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Running DockerCoins on Kubernetes - Create one deployment for each component (hasher, redis, rng, webui, worker) - Expose deployments that need to accept connections (hasher, redis, rng, webui) - For redis, we can use the official redis image - For the 4 others, we need to build images and push them to some registry .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Building and shipping images - There are *many* options! - Manually: - build locally (with `docker build` or otherwise) - push to the registry - Automatically: - build and test locally - when ready, commit and push a code repository - the code repository notifies an automated build system - that system gets the code, builds it, pushes the image to the registry .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Which registry do we want to use? - There are SAAS products like Docker Hub, Quay ... - Each major cloud provider has an option as well (ACR on Azure, ECR on AWS, GCR on Google Cloud...) - There are also commercial products to run our own registry (Docker EE, Quay...) - And open source options, too! - When picking a registry, pay attention to its build system (when it has one) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Building on the fly - Some services can build images on the fly from a repository - Example: []( .exercise[ - Use to automatically build a container image and run it: ```bash docker run ``` ] There might be a long pause before the first layer is pulled, because the API behind `docker pull` doesn't allow to stream build logs, and there is no feedback during the build. It is possible to view the build logs by setting up an account on []( .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-registries class: title Registries .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-shipping-images-with-a-registry) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-automation--cicd) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Registries - There are lots of options to ship our container images to a registry - We can group them depending on some characteristics: - SaaS or self-hosted - with or without a build system .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Docker registry - Self-hosted and [open source]( - Runs in a single Docker container - Supports multiple storage backends - Supports basic authentication out of the box - [Other authentication schemes]( through proxy or delegation - No build system - To run it with the Docker engine: ```shell docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2 ``` - Or use the dedicated plugin in minikube, microk8s, etc. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Harbor - Self-hostend and [open source]( - Supports both Docker images and Helm charts - Advanced authentification mechanism - Multi-site synchronisation - Vulnerability scanning - No build system - To run it with Helm: ```shell helm repo add harbor helm install my-release harbor/harbor ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Gitlab - Available both as a SaaS product and self-hosted - SaaS product is free for open source projects; paid subscription otherwise - Some parts are [open source]( - Integrated CI - No build system (but a custom build system can be hooked to the CI) - To run it with Helm: ```shell helm repo add gitlab helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Docker Hub - SaaS product: []( - Free for public image; paid subscription for private ones - Build system included .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Quay - Available both as a SaaS product (Quay) and self-hosted ([]( - SaaS product is free for public repositories; paid subscription otherwise - Some components of Quay and are open source (see [Project Quay]( and the [announcement]( - Build system included .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-automation--cicd class: title Automation && CI/CD .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-registries) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-rolling-updates) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Automation && CI/CD What we've done so far: - development of our application - manual testing, and exploration of automated testing strategies - packaging in a container image - shipping that image to a registry What still need to be done: - deployment of our application - automation of the whole build / ship / run cycle .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Jenkins / Jenkins-X - Multi-purpose CI - Self-hosted CI for kubernetes - create a namespace per commit and apply manifests in the namespace "A deploy per feature-branch" .small[ ```shell curl -L "" | tar xzv jx ./jx boot ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## GitLab - Repository + registry + CI/CD integrated all-in-one ```shell helm repo add gitlab helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## ArgoCD / flux - Watch a git repository and apply changes to kubernetes - provide UI to see changes, rollback .small[ ```shell kubectl apply -f ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Tekton / knative - knative is serverless project from google - Tekton leverages knative to run pipelines - not really user friendly today, but stay tune for wrappers/products .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exercise - building with Kubernetes - Let's go to - Our goal is to follow the instructions and complete exercise #1 .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Privileged container - Running privileged container could be really harmful for the node it run on. - Getting control of a node could expose other containers in the cluster and the cluster itself - It's even worse when it is docker that run in this privileged container - `docker build` doesn't allow to run privileged container for building layer - nothing forbid to run `docker run --privileged` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Kaniko - - *kaniko doesn't depend on a Docker daemon and executes each command within a Dockerfile completely in userspace* - Kaniko is only a build system, there is no runtime like docker does - generates OCI compatible image, so could be run on Docker or other CRI - use a different cache system than Docker .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Rootless docker and rootless buildkit - This is experimental - Have a lot of requirement of kernel param, options to set - But it exists .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exercice - build with kaniko Complete exercise #2, (again code at: ) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-rolling-updates class: title Rolling updates .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-automation--cicd) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-advanced-rollout) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Rolling updates - By default (without rolling updates), when a scaled resource is updated: - new pods are created - old pods are terminated - ... all at the same time - if something goes wrong, ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Rolling updates - With rolling updates, when a Deployment is updated, it happens progressively - The Deployment controls multiple Replica Sets - Each Replica Set is a group of identical Pods (with the same image, arguments, parameters ...) - During the rolling update, we have at least two Replica Sets: - the "new" set (corresponding to the "target" version) - at least one "old" set - We can have multiple "old" sets (if we start another update before the first one is done) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Update strategy - Two parameters determine the pace of the rollout: `maxUnavailable` and `maxSurge` - They can be specified in absolute number of pods, or percentage of the `replicas` count - At any given time ... - there will always be at least `replicas`-`maxUnavailable` pods available - there will never be more than `replicas`+`maxSurge` pods in total - there will therefore be up to `maxUnavailable`+`maxSurge` pods being updated - We have the possibility of rolling back to the previous version (if the update fails or is unsatisfactory in any way) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking current rollout parameters - Recall how we build custom reports with `kubectl` and `jq`: .exercise[ - Show the rollout plan for our deployments: ```bash kubectl get deploy -o json | jq ".items[] | {} + .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate" ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Rolling updates in practice - As of Kubernetes 1.8, we can do rolling updates with: `deployments`, `daemonsets`, `statefulsets` - Editing one of these resources will automatically result in a rolling update - Rolling updates can be monitored with the `kubectl rollout` subcommand .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Rolling out the new `worker` service .exercise[ - Let's monitor what's going on by opening a few terminals, and run: ```bash kubectl get pods -w kubectl get replicasets -w kubectl get deployments -w ``` - Update `worker` either with `kubectl edit`, or by running: ```bash kubectl set image deploy worker worker=dockercoins/worker:v0.2 ``` ] -- That rollout should be pretty quick. What shows in the web UI? .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Give it some time - At first, it looks like nothing is happening (the graph remains at the same level) - According to `kubectl get deploy -w`, the `deployment` was updated really quickly - But `kubectl get pods -w` tells a different story - The old `pods` are still here, and they stay in `Terminating` state for a while - Eventually, they are terminated; and then the graph decreases significantly - This delay is due to the fact that our worker doesn't handle signals - Kubernetes sends a "polite" shutdown request to the worker, which ignores it - After a grace period, Kubernetes gets impatient and kills the container (The grace period is 30 seconds, but [can be changed]( if needed) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Rolling out something invalid - What happens if we make a mistake? .exercise[ - Update `worker` by specifying a non-existent image: ```bash kubectl set image deploy worker worker=dockercoins/worker:v0.3 ``` - Check what's going on: ```bash kubectl rollout status deploy worker ``` / ] -- Our rollout is stuck. However, the app is not dead. (After a minute, it will stabilize to be 20-25% slower.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## What's going on with our rollout? - Why is our app a bit slower? - Because `MaxUnavailable=25%` ... So the rollout terminated 2 replicas out of 10 available - Okay, but why do we see 5 new replicas being rolled out? - Because `MaxSurge=25%` ... So in addition to replacing 2 replicas, the rollout is also starting 3 more - It rounded down the number of MaxUnavailable pods conservatively, but the total number of pods being rolled out is allowed to be 25+25=50% .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## The nitty-gritty details - We start with 10 pods running for the `worker` deployment - Current settings: MaxUnavailable=25% and MaxSurge=25% - When we start the rollout: - two replicas are taken down (as per MaxUnavailable=25%) - two others are created (with the new version) to replace them - three others are created (with the new version) per MaxSurge=25%) - Now we have 8 replicas up and running, and 5 being deployed - Our rollout is stuck at this point! .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Checking the dashboard during the bad rollout If you didn't deploy the Kubernetes dashboard earlier, just skip this slide. .exercise[ - Connect to the dashboard that we deployed earlier - Check that we have failures in Deployments, Pods, and Replica Sets - Can we see the reason for the failure? ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Recovering from a bad rollout - We could push some `v0.3` image (the pod retry logic will eventually catch it and the rollout will proceed) - Or we could invoke a manual rollback .exercise[ - Cancel the deployment and wait for the dust to settle: ```bash kubectl rollout undo deploy worker kubectl rollout status deploy worker ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Rolling back to an older version - We reverted to `v0.2` - But this version still has a performance problem - How can we get back to the previous version? .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Multiple "undos" - What happens if we try `kubectl rollout undo` again? .exercise[ - Try it: ```bash kubectl rollout undo deployment worker ``` - Check the web UI, the list of pods ... ] 🤔 That didn't work. .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Multiple "undos" don't work - If we see successive versions as a stack: - `kubectl rollout undo` doesn't "pop" the last element from the stack - it copies the N-1th element to the top - Multiple "undos" just swap back and forth between the last two versions! .exercise[ - Go back to v0.2 again: ```bash kubectl rollout undo deployment worker ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## In this specific scenario - Our version numbers are easy to guess - What if we had used git hashes? - What if we had changed other parameters in the Pod spec? .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Listing versions - We can list successive versions of a Deployment with `kubectl rollout history` .exercise[ - Look at our successive versions: ```bash kubectl rollout history deployment worker ``` ] We don't see *all* revisions. We might see something like 1, 4, 5. (Depending on how many "undos" we did before.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Explaining deployment revisions - These revisions correspond to our Replica Sets - This information is stored in the Replica Set annotations .exercise[ - Check the annotations for our replica sets: ```bash kubectl describe replicasets -l app=worker | grep -A3 ^Annotations ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details class: hide-exercise ## What about the missing revisions? - The missing revisions are stored in another annotation: `` - These are not shown in `kubectl rollout history` - We could easily reconstruct the full list with a script (if we wanted to!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Rolling back to an older version - `kubectl rollout undo` can work with a revision number .exercise[ - Roll back to the "known good" deployment version: ```bash kubectl rollout undo deployment worker --to-revision=1 ``` - Check the web UI or the list of pods ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details class: hide-exercise ## Changing rollout parameters - We want to: - revert to `v0.1` - be conservative on availability (always have desired number of available workers) - go slow on rollout speed (update only one pod at a time) - give some time to our workers to "warm up" before starting more The corresponding changes can be expressed in the following YAML snippet: .small[ ```yaml spec: template: spec: containers: - name: worker image: dockercoins/worker:v0.1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 0 maxSurge: 1 minReadySeconds: 10 ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details class: hide-exercise ## Applying changes through a YAML patch - We could use `kubectl edit deployment worker` - But we could also use `kubectl patch` with the exact YAML shown before .exercise[ .small[ - Apply all our changes and wait for them to take effect: ```bash kubectl patch deployment worker -p " spec: template: spec: containers: - name: worker image: dockercoins/worker:v0.1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 0 maxSurge: 1 minReadySeconds: 10 " kubectl rollout status deployment worker kubectl get deploy -o json worker | jq "{} + .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate" ``` ] ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-advanced-rollout class: title Advanced Rollout .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-rolling-updates) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-prometheus) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Advanced Rollout - In some cases the built-in mechanism of kubernetes is not enough. - You want more control on the rollout, include a feedback of the monitoring, deploying on multiple clusters, etc - Two "main" strategies exist here: - canary deployment - blue/green deployment .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Canary deployment - focus on one component of the stack - deploy a new version of the component close to the production - redirect some portion of prod traffic to new version - scale up new version, redirect more traffic, checking everything is ok - scale down old version - move component to component with the same procedure - That's what kubernetes does by default, but does every components at the same time - Could be paired with `kubectl wait --for` and applying component sequentially, for hand made canary deployement .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Blue/Green deployment - focus on entire stack - deploy a new stack - check the new stack work as espected - put traffic on new stack, rollback if any goes wrong - garbage collect the previous infra structure - there is nothing like that by default in kubernetes - helm chart with multiple releases is the closest one - could be paired with ingress feature like `*` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Not hand-made ? There is a few additionnal controllers that help achieving those kind of rollout behaviours They leverage kubernetes API at different levels to achieve this goal. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Spinnaker - - Help to deploy the same app on multiple cluster. - Is able to analyse rollout status (canary analysis) and correlate it to monitoring - Rollback if anything goes wrong - also support Blue/Green - Configuration done via UI .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Argo-rollout - - Replace your deployments with CRD (Custom Resource Definition) "deployment-like" - Full control via CRDs - BlueGreen and Canary deployment .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## We are done, what else ? We have seen what means developping an application on kubernetes. There still few subjects to tackle that are not purely relevant for developers They have *some involvement* for developers: - Monitoring - Security .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-prometheus class: title Prometheus .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-advanced-rollout) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-4) | [Next section](#toc-opentelemetry) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Prometheus Prometheus is a monitoring system with a small storage I/O footprint. It's quite ubiquitous in the Kubernetes world. This section is not an in-depth description of Prometheus. *Note: More on Prometheus next day!* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Prometheus exporter - Prometheus *scrapes* (pulls) metrics from *exporters* - A Prometheus exporter is an HTTP endpoint serving a response like this one: ``` # HELP http_requests_total The total number of HTTP requests. # TYPE http_requests_total counter http_requests_total{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000 http_requests_total{method="post",code="400"} 3 1395066363000 # Minimalistic line: metric_without_timestamp_and_labels 12.47 ``` - Our goal, as a developer, will be to expose such an endpoint to Prometheus .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Implementing a Prometheus exporter Multiple strategies can be used: - Implement the exporter in the application itself (especially if it's already an HTTP server) - Use building blocks that may already expose such an endpoint (puma, uwsgi) - Add a sidecar exporter that leverages and adapts an existing monitoring channel (e.g. JMX for Java applications) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Implementing a Prometheus exporter - The Prometheus client libraries are often the easiest solution - They offer multiple ways of integration, including: - "I'm already running a web server, just add a monitoring route" - "I don't have a web server (or I want another one), please run one in a thread" - Client libraries for various languages: - - - (Can you see the pattern?) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding a sidecar exporter - There are many exporters available already: - These are "translators" from one monitoring channel to another - Writing your own is not complicated (using the client libraries mentioned previously) - Avoid exposing the internal monitoring channel more than enough (the app and its sidecars run in the same network namespace, so they can communicate over `localhost`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring the Prometheus server - We need to tell the Prometheus server to *scrape* our exporter - Prometheus has a very flexible "service discovery" mechanism (to discover and enumerate the targets that it should scrape) - Depending on how we installed Prometheus, various methods might be available .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring Prometheus, option 1 - Edit `prometheus.conf` - Always possible (we should always have a Prometheus configuration file somewhere!) - Dangerous and error-prone (if we get it wrong, it is very easy to break Prometheus) - Hard to maintain (the file will grow over time, and might accumulate obsolete information) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring Prometheus, option 2 - Add *annotations* to the pods or services to monitor - We can do that if Prometheus is installed with the official Helm chart - Prometheus will detect these annotations and automatically start scraping - Example: ```yaml annotations: 9090 /metrics ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring Prometheus, option 3 - Create a ServiceMonitor custom resource - We can do that if we are using the CoreOS Prometheus operator - See the [Prometheus operator documentation]( for more details .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exercice - monitor with prometheus Complete exercise #4, (again code at: ) *Note: Not all daemon are "ready" for prometheus, only `hasher` and `redis` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-opentelemetry class: title OpenTelemetry .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-prometheus) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-4) | [Next section](#toc-security-and-kubernetes) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # OpenTelemetry *OpenTelemetry* is a "tracing" framework. It's a fusion of two other frameworks: *OpenTracing* and *OpenCensus*. Its goal is to provide deep integration with programming languages and application frameworks to enabled deep dive tracing of different events accross different components. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Span ! span ! span ! - A unit of tracing is called a *span* - A span has: a start time, a stop time, and an ID - It represents an action that took some time to complete (e.g.: function call, database transaction, REST API call ...) - A span can have a parent span, and can have multiple child spans (e.g.: when calling function `B`, sub-calls to `C` and `D` were issued) - Think of it as a "tree" of calls .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Distributed tracing - When two components interact, their spans can be connected together - Example: microservice `A` sends a REST API call to microservice `B` - `A` will have a span for the call to `B` - `B` will have a span for the call from `A` (that normally starts shortly after, and finishes shortly before) - the span of `A` will be the parent of the span of `B` - they join the same "tree" of calls details: `A` will send headers (depends of the protocol used) to tag the span ID, so that `B` can generate child span and joining the same tree of call .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Centrally stored - What do we do with all these spans? - We store them! - In the previous exemple: - `A` will send trace information to its local agent - `B` will do the same - every span will end up in the same DB - at a later point, we can reconstruct the "tree" of call and analyze it - There are multiple implementations of this stack (agent + DB + web UI) (the most famous open source ones are Zipkin and Jaeger) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Data sampling - Do we store *all* the spans? (it looks like this could need a lot of storage!) - No, we can use *sampling*, to reduce storage and network requirements - Smart sampling is applied directly in the application to save CPU if span is not needed - It also insures that if a span is marked as sampled, all child span are sampled as well (so that the tree of call is complete) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exercice - monitor with opentelemetry Complete exercise #5, (again code at: ) *Note: Not all daemon are "ready" for opentelemetry, only `rng` and `worker` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-security-and-kubernetes class: title Security and kubernetes .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-opentelemetry) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-4) | [Next section](#toc-) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Security and kubernetes There are many mechanisms in kubernetes to ensure the security. Obviously the more you constrain your app, the better. There is also mechanism to forbid "unsafe" application to be launched on kubernetes, but that's more for ops-guys 😈 (more on that next days) Let's focus on what can we do on the developer latop, to make app compatible with secure system, enforced or not (it's always a good practice) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## No container in privileged mode - risks: - If one privileged container get compromised, we basically get full access to the node from within a container (not need to tamper auth logs, alter binary). - Sniffing networks allow often to get access to the entire cluster. - how to avoid: ``` [...] spec: containers: - name: foo securityContext: privileged: false ``` Luckily that's the default ! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## No container run as "root" - risks: - bind mounting a directory like /usr/bin allow to change node system core ex: copy a tampered version of "ping", wait for an admin to login and to issue a ping command and bingo ! - how to avoid: ``` [...] spec: containers: - name: foo securityContext: runAsUser: 1000 runAsGroup: 100 ``` - The default is to use the image default - If your writing your own Dockerfile, don't forget about the `USER` instruction .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Capabilities - You can give capabilities one-by-one to a container - It's useful if you need more capabilities (for some reason), but not grating 'root' privileged - risks: no risks whatsoever, except by granting a big list of capabilities - how to use: ``` [...] spec: containers: - name: foo securityContext: capabilities: add: ["NET_ADMIN", "SYS_TIME"] drop: [] ``` The default use the container runtime defaults - and we can also drop default capabilities granted by the container runtime ! .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: title, self-paced Thank you! .debug[[shared/](] --- class: title, in-person That's all, folks! Questions?  .debug[[shared/](]
RUN CMD, EXPOSE ... ``` - This leverages the Docker cache: if the code doesn't change, the tests don't need to run - If the tests require a database or other backend, we can use `docker build --network` - If the tests fail, the build fails; and no image is generated .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Docker Compose ```yaml version: 3 service: project: image: my_image_name build: context: . target: dev database: image: redis backend: image: backend ``` + ```shell docker-compose build && docker-compose run project pytest -v ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Skaffold/Container-structure-test - The `test` field of the `skaffold.yaml` instructs skaffold to run test against your image. - It uses the [container-structure-test]( - It allows to run custom commands - Unfortunately, nothing to run other Docker images (to start a database or a backend that we need to run tests) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-managing-configuration class: title Managing configuration .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-testing) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-sealed-secrets) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Managing configuration - Some applications need to be configured (obviously!) - There are many ways for our code to pick up configuration: - command-line arguments - environment variables - configuration files - configuration servers (getting configuration from a database, an API...) - ... and more (because programmers can be very creative!) - How can we do these things with containers and Kubernetes? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Passing configuration to containers - There are many ways to pass configuration to code running in a container: - baking it into a custom image - command-line arguments - environment variables - injecting configuration files - exposing it over the Kubernetes API - configuration servers - Let's review these different strategies! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Baking custom images - Put the configuration in the image (it can be in a configuration file, but also `ENV` or `CMD` actions) - It's easy! It's simple! - Unfortunately, it also has downsides: - multiplication of images - different images for dev, staging, prod ... - minor reconfigurations require a whole build/push/pull cycle - Avoid doing it unless you don't have the time to figure out other options .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Command-line arguments - Pass options to `args` array in the container specification - Example ([source]( ```yaml args: - "--data-dir=/var/lib/etcd" - "--advertise-client-urls=" - "--listen-client-urls=" - "--listen-peer-urls=" - "--name=etcd" ``` - The options can be passed directly to the program that we run ... ... or to a wrapper script that will use them to e.g. generate a config file .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Command-line arguments, pros & cons - Works great when options are passed directly to the running program (otherwise, a wrapper script can work around the issue) - Works great when there aren't too many parameters (to avoid a 20-lines `args` array) - Requires documentation and/or understanding of the underlying program ("which parameters and flags do I need, again?") - Well-suited for mandatory parameters (without default values) - Not ideal when we need to pass a real configuration file anyway .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Environment variables - Pass options through the `env` map in the container specification - Example: ```yaml env: - name: ADMIN_PORT value: "8080" - name: ADMIN_AUTH value: Basic - name: ADMIN_CRED value: "admin:0pensesame!" ``` .warning[`value` must be a string! Make sure that numbers and fancy strings are quoted.] 🤔 Why this weird `{name: xxx, value: yyy}` scheme? It will be revealed soon! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## The downward API - In the previous example, environment variables have fixed values - We can also use a mechanism called the *downward API* - The downward API allows exposing pod or container information - either through special files (we won't show that for now) - or through environment variables - The value of these environment variables is computed when the container is started - Remember: environment variables won't (can't) change after container start - Let's see a few concrete examples! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing the pod's namespace ```yaml - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace ``` - Useful to generate FQDN of services (in some contexts, a short name is not enough) - For instance, the two commands should be equivalent: ``` curl api-backend curl api-backend.$MY_POD_NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing the pod's IP address ```yaml - name: MY_POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP ``` - Useful if we need to know our IP address (we could also read it from `eth0`, but this is more solid) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing the container's resource limits ```yaml - name: MY_MEM_LIMIT valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: test-container resource: limits.memory ``` - Useful for runtimes where memory is garbage collected - Example: the JVM (the memory available to the JVM should be set with the `-Xmx ` flag) - Best practice: set a memory limit, and pass it to the runtime - Note: recent versions of the JVM can do this automatically (see [JDK-8146115]( and [this blog post]( for detailed examples) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## More about the downward API - [This documentation page]( tells more about these environment variables - And [this one]( explains the other way to use the downward API (through files that get created in the container filesystem) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Environment variables, pros and cons - Works great when the running program expects these variables - Works great for optional parameters with reasonable defaults (since the container image can provide these defaults) - Sort of auto-documented (we can see which environment variables are defined in the image, and their values) - Can be (ab)used with longer values ... - ... You *can* put an entire Tomcat configuration file in an environment ... - ... But *should* you? (Do it if you really need to, we're not judging! But we'll see better ways.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Injecting configuration files - Sometimes, there is no way around it: we need to inject a full config file - Kubernetes provides a mechanism for that purpose: `configmaps` - A configmap is a Kubernetes resource that exists in a namespace - Conceptually, it's a key/value map (values are arbitrary strings) - We can think about them in (at least) two different ways: - as holding entire configuration file(s) - as holding individual configuration parameters *Note: to hold sensitive information, we can use "Secrets", which are another type of resource behaving very much like configmaps. We'll cover them just after!* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configmaps storing entire files - In this case, each key/value pair corresponds to a configuration file - Key = name of the file - Value = content of the file - There can be one key/value pair, or as many as necessary (for complex apps with multiple configuration files) - Examples: ``` # Create a configmap with a single key, "app.conf" kubectl create configmap my-app-config --from-file=app.conf # Create a configmap with a single key, "app.conf" but another file kubectl create configmap my-app-config --from-file=app.conf=app-prod.conf # Create a configmap with multiple keys (one per file in the config.d directory) kubectl create configmap my-app-config --from-file=config.d/ ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configmaps storing individual parameters - In this case, each key/value pair corresponds to a parameter - Key = name of the parameter - Value = value of the parameter - Examples: ``` # Create a configmap with two keys kubectl create cm my-app-config \ --from-literal=foreground=red \ --from-literal=background=blue # Create a configmap from a file containing key=val pairs kubectl create cm my-app-config \ --from-env-file=app.conf ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing configmaps to containers - Configmaps can be exposed as plain files in the filesystem of a container - this is achieved by declaring a volume and mounting it in the container - this is particularly effective for configmaps containing whole files - Configmaps can be exposed as environment variables in the container - this is achieved with the downward API - this is particularly effective for configmaps containing individual parameters - Let's see how to do both! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Passing a configuration file with a configmap - We will start a load balancer powered by HAProxy - We will use the [official `haproxy` image]( - It expects to find its configuration in `/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg` - We will provide a simple HAproxy configuration, `k8s/haproxy.cfg` - It listens on port 80, and load balances connections between IBM and Google .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the configmap .exercise[ - Go to the `k8s` directory in the repository: ```bash cd ~/ ``` - Create a configmap named `haproxy` and holding the configuration file: ```bash kubectl create configmap haproxy --from-file=haproxy.cfg ``` - Check what our configmap looks like: ```bash kubectl get configmap haproxy -o yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the configmap We are going to use the following pod definition: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: haproxy spec: volumes: - name: config configMap: name: haproxy containers: - name: haproxy image: haproxy volumeMounts: - name: config mountPath: /usr/local/etc/haproxy/ ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the configmap - The resource definition from the previous slide is in `k8s/haproxy.yaml` .exercise[ - Create the HAProxy pod: ```bash kubectl apply -f ~/ ``` - Check the IP address allocated to the pod: ```bash kubectl get pod haproxy -o wide IP=$(kubectl get pod haproxy -o json | jq -r .status.podIP) ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Testing our load balancer - The load balancer will send: - half of the connections to Google - the other half to IBM .exercise[ - Access the load balancer a few times: ```bash curl $IP curl $IP curl $IP ``` ] We should see connections served by Google, and others served by IBM. (Each server sends us a redirect page. Look at the URL that they send us to!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing configmaps with the downward API - We are going to run a Docker registry on a custom port - By default, the registry listens on port 5000 - This can be changed by setting environment variable `REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR` - We are going to store the port number in a configmap - Then we will expose that configmap as a container environment variable .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the configmap .exercise[ - Our configmap will have a single key, `http.addr`: ```bash kubectl create configmap registry --from-literal=http.addr= ``` - Check our configmap: ```bash kubectl get configmap registry -o yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the configmap We are going to use the following pod definition: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: registry spec: containers: - name: registry image: registry env: - name: REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: registry key: http.addr ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the configmap - The resource definition from the previous slide is in `k8s/registry.yaml` .exercise[ - Create the registry pod: ```bash kubectl apply -f ~/ ``` - Check the IP address allocated to the pod: ```bash kubectl get pod registry -o wide IP=$(kubectl get pod registry -o json | jq -r .status.podIP) ``` - Confirm that the registry is available on port 80: ```bash curl $IP/v2/_catalog ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Passwords, tokens, sensitive information - For sensitive information, there is another special resource: *Secrets* - Secrets and Configmaps work almost the same way (we'll expose the differences on the next slide) - The *intent* is different, though: *"You should use secrets for things which are actually secret like API keys, credentials, etc., and use config map for not-secret configuration data."* *"In the future there will likely be some differentiators for secrets like rotation or support for backing the secret API w/ HSMs, etc."* (Source: [the author of both features]( )) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences between configmaps and secrets - Secrets are base64-encoded when shown with `kubectl get secrets -o yaml` - keep in mind that this is just *encoding*, not *encryption* - it is very easy to [automatically extract and decode secrets]( - [Secrets can be encrypted at rest]( - With RBAC, we can authorize a user to access configmaps, but not secrets (since they are two different kinds of resources) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-sealed-secrets class: title sealed-secrets .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-managing-configuration) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-kustomize) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # sealed-secrets - - has a server side (standard kubernetes deployment) and a client side *kubeseal* binary - server-side start by generating a key pair, keep the private, expose the public. - To create a sealed-secret, you only need access to public key - You can enforce access with RBAC rules of kubernetes .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## sealed-secrets how to - adding a secret: *kubeseal* will cipher it with the public key - server side controller will re-create original secret, when the ciphered one are added to the cluster - it makes it "safe" to add those secret to your source tree - since version 0.9 key rotation are enable by default, so remember to backup private keys regularly. (or you won't be able to decrypt all you keys, in a case of *disaster recovery*) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## First "sealed-secret" .exercise[ - Install *kubeseal* ```bash wget -O kubeseal sudo install -m 755 kubeseal /usr/local/bin/kubeseal ``` - Install controller ```bash helm install -n kube-system sealed-secrets-controller stable/sealed-secrets ``` - Create a secret you don't want to leak ```bash kubectl create secret generic --from-literal=foo=bar my-secret -o yaml --dry-run \ | kubeseal > mysecret.yaml kubectl apply -f mysecret.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Alternative: sops / git crypt - You can work a VCS level (ie totally abstracted from kubernetess) - sops (, VCS agnostic, encrypt portion of files - git-crypt that work with git to transparently encrypt (some) files in git .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other alternative - You can delegate secret management to another component like *hashicorp vault* - Can work in multiple ways: - encrypt secret from API-server (instead of the much secure *base64*) - encrypt secret before sending it in kubernetes (avoid git in plain text) - manager secret entirely in vault and expose to the container via volume .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-kustomize class: title Kustomize .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-sealed-secrets) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Kustomize - Kustomize lets us transform YAML files representing Kubernetes resources - The original YAML files are valid resource files (e.g. they can be loaded with `kubectl apply -f`) - They are left untouched by Kustomize - Kustomize lets us define *overlays* that extend or change the resource files .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences with Helm - Helm charts use placeholders `{{ like.this }}` - Kustomize "bases" are standard Kubernetes YAML - It is possible to use an existing set of YAML as a Kustomize base - As a result, writing a Helm chart is more work ... - ... But Helm charts are also more powerful; e.g. they can: - use flags to conditionally include resources or blocks - check if a given Kubernetes API group is supported - [and much more]( .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Kustomize concepts - Kustomize needs a `kustomization.yaml` file - That file can be a *base* or a *variant* - If it's a *base*: - it lists YAML resource files to use - If it's a *variant* (or *overlay*): - it refers to (at least) one *base* - and some *patches* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## An easy way to get started with Kustomize - We are going to use [Replicated Ship]( to experiment with Kustomize - The [Replicated Ship CLI]( has been installed on our clusters - Replicated Ship has multiple workflows; here is what we will do: - initialize a Kustomize overlay from a remote GitHub repository - customize some values using the web UI provided by Ship - look at the resulting files and apply them to the cluster .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting started with Ship - We need to run `ship init` in a new directory - `ship init` requires a URL to a remote repository containing Kubernetes YAML - It will clone that repository and start a web UI - Later, it can watch that repository and/or update from it - We will use the [jpetazzo/kubercoins]( repository (it contains all the DockerCoins resources as YAML files) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## `ship init` .exercise[ - Change to a new directory: ```bash mkdir ~/kustomcoins cd ~/kustomcoins ``` - Run `ship init` with the kustomcoins repository: ```bash ship init ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Access the web UI - `ship init` tells us to connect on `localhost:8800` - We need to replace `localhost` with the address of our node (since we run on a remote machine) - Follow the steps in the web UI, and change one parameter (e.g. set the number of replicas in the worker Deployment) - Complete the web workflow, and go back to the CLI .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Inspect the results - Look at the content of our directory - `base` contains the kubercoins repository + a `kustomization.yaml` file - `overlays/ship` contains the Kustomize overlay referencing the base + our patch(es) - `rendered.yaml` is a YAML bundle containing the patched application - `.ship` contains a state file used by Ship .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the results - We can `kubectl apply -f rendered.yaml` (on any version of Kubernetes) - Starting with Kubernetes 1.14, we can apply the overlay directly with: ```bash kubectl apply -k overlays/ship ``` - But let's not do that for now! - We will create a new copy of DockerCoins in another namespace .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deploy DockerCoins with Kustomize .exercise[ - Create a new namespace: ```bash kubectl create namespace kustomcoins ``` - Deploy DockerCoins: ```bash kubectl apply -f rendered.yaml --namespace=kustomcoins ``` - Or, with Kubernetes 1.14, you can also do this: ```bash kubectl apply -k overlays/ship --namespace=kustomcoins ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking our new copy of DockerCoins - We can check the worker logs, or the web UI .exercise[ - Retrieve the NodePort number of the web UI: ```bash kubectl get service webui --namespace=kustomcoins ``` - Open it in a web browser - Look at the worker logs: ```bash kubectl logs deploy/worker --tail=10 --follow --namespace=kustomcoins ``` ] Note: it might take a minute or two for the worker to start. .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-managing-stacks-with-helm class: title Managing stacks with Helm .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-kustomize) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-helm-chart-format) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Managing stacks with Helm - We created our first resources with `kubectl run`, `kubectl expose` ... - We have also created resources by loading YAML files with `kubectl apply -f` - For larger stacks, managing thousands of lines of YAML is unreasonable - These YAML bundles need to be customized with variable parameters (E.g.: number of replicas, image version to use ...) - It would be nice to have an organized, versioned collection of bundles - It would be nice to be able to upgrade/rollback these bundles carefully - [Helm]( is an open source project offering all these things! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm concepts - `helm` is a CLI tool - It is used to find, install, upgrade *charts* - A chart is an archive containing templatized YAML bundles - Charts are versioned - Charts can be stored on private or public repositories .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences between charts and packages - A package (deb, rpm...) contains binaries, libraries, etc. - A chart contains YAML manifests (the binaries, libraries, etc. are in the images referenced by the chart) - On most distributions, a package can only be installed once (installing another version replaces the installed one) - A chart can be installed multiple times - Each installation is called a *release* - This allows to install e.g. 10 instances of MongoDB (with potentially different versions and configurations) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Wait a minute ... *But, on my Debian system, I have Python 2 **and** Python 3. Also, I have multiple versions of the Postgres database engine!* Yes! But they have different package names: - `python2.7`, `python3.8` - `postgresql-10`, `postgresql-11` Good to know: the Postgres package in Debian includes provisions to deploy multiple Postgres servers on the same system, but it's an exception (and it's a lot of work done by the package maintainer, not by the `dpkg` or `apt` tools). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm 2 vs Helm 3 - Helm 3 was released [November 13, 2019]( - Charts remain compatible between Helm 2 and Helm 3 - The CLI is very similar (with minor changes to some commands) - The main difference is that Helm 2 uses `tiller`, a server-side component - Helm 3 doesn't use `tiller` at all, making it simpler (yay!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## With or without `tiller` - With Helm 3: - the `helm` CLI communicates directly with the Kubernetes API - it creates resources (deployments, services...) with our credentials - With Helm 2: - the `helm` CLI communicates with `tiller`, telling `tiller` what to do - `tiller` then communicates with the Kubernetes API, using its own credentials - This indirect model caused significant permissions headaches (`tiller` required very broad permissions to function) - `tiller` was removed in Helm 3 to simplify the security aspects .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing Helm - If the `helm` CLI is not installed in your environment, install it .exercise[ - Check if `helm` is installed: ```bash helm ``` - If it's not installed, run the following command: ```bash curl \ | bash ``` ] (To install Helm 2, replace `get-helm-3` with `get`.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Only if using Helm 2 ... - We need to install Tiller and give it some permissions - Tiller is composed of a *service* and a *deployment* in the `kube-system` namespace - They can be managed (installed, upgraded...) with the `helm` CLI .exercise[ - Deploy Tiller: ```bash helm init ``` ] At the end of the install process, you will see: ``` Happy Helming! ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Only if using Helm 2 ... - Tiller needs permissions to create Kubernetes resources - In a more realistic deployment, you might create per-user or per-team service accounts, roles, and role bindings .exercise[ - Grant `cluster-admin` role to `kube-system:default` service account: ```bash kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin \ --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default ``` ] (Defining the exact roles and permissions on your cluster requires a deeper knowledge of Kubernetes' RBAC model. The command above is fine for personal and development clusters.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Charts and repositories - A *repository* (or repo in short) is a collection of charts - It's just a bunch of files (they can be hosted by a static HTTP server, or on a local directory) - We can add "repos" to Helm, giving them a nickname - The nickname is used when referring to charts on that repo (for instance, if we try to install `hello/world`, that means the chart `world` on the repo `hello`; and that repo `hello` might be something like .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Managing repositories - Let's check what repositories we have, and add the `stable` repo (the `stable` repo contains a set of official-ish charts) .exercise[ - List our repos: ```bash helm repo list ``` - Add the `stable` repo: ```bash helm repo add stable ``` ] Adding a repo can take a few seconds (it downloads the list of charts from the repo). It's OK to add a repo that already exists (it will merely update it). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Search available charts - We can search available charts with `helm search` - We need to specify where to search (only our repos, or Helm Hub) - Let's search for all charts mentioning tomcat! .exercise[ - Search for tomcat in the repo that we added earlier: ```bash helm search repo tomcat ``` - Search for tomcat on the Helm Hub: ```bash helm search hub tomcat ``` ] [Helm Hub]( indexes many repos, using the [Monocular]( server. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Charts and releases - "Installing a chart" means creating a *release* - We need to name that release (or use the `--generate-name` to get Helm to generate one for us) .exercise[ - Install the tomcat chart that we found earlier: ```bash helm install java4ever stable/tomcat ``` - List the releases: ```bash helm list ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Searching and installing with Helm 2 - Helm 2 doesn't have support for the Helm Hub - The `helm search` command only takes a search string argument (e.g. `helm search tomcat`) - With Helm 2, the name is optional: `helm install stable/tomcat` will automatically generate a name `helm install --name java4ever stable/tomcat` will specify a name .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Viewing resources of a release - This specific chart labels all its resources with a `release` label - We can use a selector to see these resources .exercise[ - List all the resources created by this release: ```bash kubectl get all --selector=release=java4ever ``` ] Note: this `release` label wasn't added automatically by Helm. It is defined in that chart. In other words, not all charts will provide this label. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring a release - By default, `stable/tomcat` creates a service of type `LoadBalancer` - We would like to change that to a `NodePort` - We could use `kubectl edit service java4ever-tomcat`, but ... ... our changes would get overwritten next time we update that chart! - Instead, we are going to *set a value* - Values are parameters that the chart can use to change its behavior - Values have default values - Each chart is free to define its own values and their defaults .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking possible values - We can inspect a chart with `helm show` or `helm inspect` .exercise[ - Look at the README for tomcat: ```bash helm show readme stable/tomcat ``` - Look at the values and their defaults: ```bash helm show values stable/tomcat ``` ] The `values` may or may not have useful comments. The `readme` may or may not have (accurate) explanations for the values. (If we're unlucky, there won't be any indication about how to use the values!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Setting values - Values can be set when installing a chart, or when upgrading it - We are going to update `java4ever` to change the type of the service .exercise[ - Update `java4ever`: ```bash helm upgrade java4ever stable/tomcat --set service.type=NodePort ``` ] Note that we have to specify the chart that we use (`stable/tomcat`), even if we just want to update some values. We can set multiple values. If we want to set many values, we can use `-f`/`--values` and pass a YAML file with all the values. All unspecified values will take the default values defined in the chart. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Connecting to tomcat - Let's check the tomcat server that we just installed - Note: its readiness probe has a 60s delay (so it will take 60s after the initial deployment before the service works) .exercise[ - Check the node port allocated to the service: ```bash kubectl get service java4ever-tomcat PORT=$(kubectl get service java4ever-tomcat -o jsonpath={..nodePort}) ``` - Connect to it, checking the demo app on `/sample/`: ```bash curl localhost:$PORT/sample/ ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-helm-chart-format class: title Helm chart format .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-helm-secrets) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Helm chart format - What exactly is a chart? - What's in it? - What would be involved in creating a chart? (we won't create a chart, but we'll see the required steps) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What is a chart - A chart is a set of files - Some of these files are mandatory for the chart to be viable (more on that later) - These files are typically packed in a tarball - These tarballs are stored in "repos" (which can be static HTTP servers) - We can install from a repo, from a local tarball, or an unpacked tarball (the latter option is preferred when developing a chart) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's in a chart - A chart must have at least: - a `templates` directory, with YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources - a `values.yaml` file, containing (tunable) parameters for the chart - a `Chart.yaml` file, containing metadata (name, version, description ...) - Let's look at a simple chart, `stable/tomcat` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Downloading a chart - We can use `helm pull` to download a chart from a repo .exercise[ - Download the tarball for `stable/tomcat`: ```bash helm pull stable/tomcat ``` (This will create a file named `tomcat-X.Y.Z.tgz`.) - Or, download + untar `stable/tomcat`: ```bash helm pull stable/tomcat --untar ``` (This will create a directory named `tomcat`.) ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Looking at the chart's content - Let's look at the files and directories in the `tomcat` chart .exercise[ - Display the tree structure of the chart we just downloaded: ```bash tree tomcat ``` ] We see the components mentioned above: `Chart.yaml`, `templates/`, `values.yaml`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Templates - The `templates/` directory contains YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources (Deployments, Services, etc.) - These manifests can contain template tags (using the standard Go template library) .exercise[ - Look at the template file for the tomcat Service resource: ```bash cat tomcat/templates/appsrv-svc.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Analyzing the template file - Tags are identified by `{{ ... }}` - `{{ template "x.y" }}` expands a [named template]( (previously defined with `{{ define "x.y "}}...stuff...{{ end }}`) - The `.` in `{{ template "x.y" . }}` is the *context* for that named template (so that the named template block can access variables from the local context) - `{{ }}` refers to [built-in variables]( initialized by Helm (indicating the chart name, version, whether we are installing or upgrading ...) - `{{ }}` refers to tunable/settable [values]( (more on that in a minute) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Values - Each chart comes with a [values file]( - It's a YAML file containing a set of default parameters for the chart - The values can be accessed in templates with e.g. `{{ .Values.x.y }}` (corresponding to field `y` in map `x` in the values file) - The values can be set or overridden when installing or ugprading a chart: - with `--set x.y=z` (can be used multiple times to set multiple values) - with `--values some-yaml-file.yaml` (set a bunch of values from a file) - Charts following best practices will have values following specific patterns (e.g. having a `service` map allowing to set `service.type` etc.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other useful tags - `{{ if x }} y {{ end }}` allows to include `y` if `x` evaluates to `true` (can be used for e.g. healthchecks, annotations, or even an entire resource) - `{{ range x }} y {{ end }}` iterates over `x`, evaluating `y` each time (the elements of `x` are assigned to `.` in the range scope) - `{{- x }}`/`{{ x -}}` will remove whitespace on the left/right - The whole [Sprig]( library, with additions: `lower` `upper` `quote` `trim` `default` `b64enc` `b64dec` `sha256sum` `indent` `toYaml` ... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Pipelines - `{{ quote blah }}` can also be expressed as `{{ blah | quote }}` - With multiple arguments, `{{ x y z }}` can be expressed as `{{ z | x y }}`) - Example: `{{ .Values.annotations | toYaml | indent 4 }}` - transforms the map under `annotations` into a YAML string - indents it with 4 spaces (to match the surrounding context) - Pipelines are not specific to Helm, but a feature of Go templates (check the [Go text/template documentation]( for more details and examples) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## README and NOTES.txt - At the top-level of the chart, it's a good idea to have a README - It will be viewable with e.g. `helm show readme stable/tomcat` - In the `templates/` directory, we can also have a `NOTES.txt` file - When the template is installed (or upgraded), `NOTES.txt` is processed too (i.e. its `{{ ... }}` tags are evaluated) - It gets displayed after the install or upgrade - It's a great place to generate messages to tell the user: - how to connect to the release they just deployed - any passwords or other thing that we generated for them .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Additional files - We can place arbitrary files in the chart (outside of the `templates/` directory) - They can be accessed in templates with `.Files` - They can be transformed into ConfigMaps or Secrets with `AsConfig` and `AsSecrets` (see [this example]( in the Helm docs) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Hooks and tests - We can define *hooks* in our templates - Hooks are resources annotated with `"": NAME-OF-HOOK` - Hook names include `pre-install`, `post-install`, `test`, [and much more]( - The resources defined in hooks are loaded at a specific time - Hook execution is *synchronous* (if the resource is a Job or Pod, Helm will wait for its completion) - This can be use for database migrations, backups, notifications, smoke tests ... - Hooks named `test` are executed only when running `helm test RELEASE-NAME` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-helm-secrets class: title Helm secrets .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-helm-chart-format) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-2) | [Next section](#toc-shipping-images-with-a-registry) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Helm secrets - Helm can do *rollbacks*: - to previously installed charts - to previous sets of values - How and where does it store the data needed to do that? - Let's investigate! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## We need a release - We need to install something with Helm - Let's use the `stable/tomcat` chart as an example .exercise[ - Install a release called `tomcat` with the chart `stable/tomcat`: ```bash helm upgrade tomcat stable/tomcat --install ``` - Let's upgrade that release, and change a value: ```bash helm upgrade tomcat stable/tomcat --set ingress.enabled=true ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Release history - Helm stores successive revisions of each release .exercise[ - View the history for that release: ```bash helm history tomcat ``` ] Where does that come from? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Investigate - Possible options: - local filesystem (no, because history is visible from other machines) - persistent volumes (no, Helm works even without them) - ConfigMaps, Secrets? .exercise[ - Look for ConfigMaps and Secrets: ```bash kubectl get configmaps,secrets ``` ] -- We should see a number of secrets with TYPE ``. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Unpacking a secret - Let's find out what is in these Helm secrets .exercise[ - Examine the secret corresponding to the second release of `tomcat`: ```bash kubectl describe secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 ``` (`v1` is the secret format; `v2` means revision 2 of the `tomcat` release) ] There is a key named `release`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Unpacking the release data - Let's see what's in this `release` thing! .exercise[ - Dump the secret: ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release }}' ``` ] Secrets are encoded in base64. We need to decode that! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Decoding base64 - We can pipe the output through `base64 -d` or use go-template's `base64decode` .exercise[ - Decode the secret: ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode }}' ``` ] -- ... Wait, this *still* looks like base64. What's going on? -- Let's try one more round of decoding! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Decoding harder - Just add one more base64 decode filter .exercise[ - Decode it twice: ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' ``` ] -- ... OK, that was *a lot* of binary data. What sould we do with it? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Guessing data type - We could use `file` to figure out the data type .exercise[ - Pipe the decoded release through `file -`: ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \ | file - ``` ] -- Gzipped data! It can be decoded with `gunzip -c`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Uncompressing the data - Let's uncompress the data and save it to a file .exercise[ - Rerun the previous command, but with `| gunzip -c > release-info` : ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \ | gunzip -c > release-info ``` - Look at `release-info`: ```bash cat release-info ``` ] -- It's a bundle of ~~YAML~~ JSON. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Looking at the JSON If we inspect that JSON (e.g. with `jq keys release-info`), we see: - `chart` (contains the entire chart used for that release) - `config` (contains the values that we've set) - `info` (date of deployment, status messages) - `manifest` (YAML generated from the templates) - `name` (name of the release, so `tomcat`) - `namespace` (namespace where we deployed the release) - `version` (revision number within that release; starts at 1) The chart is in a structured format, but it's entirely captured in this JSON. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Conclusions - Helm stores each release information in a Secret in the namespace of the release - The secret is JSON object (gzipped and encoded in base64) - It contains the manifests generated for that release - ... And everything needed to rebuild these manifests (including the full source of the chart, and the values used) - This allows arbitrary rollbacks, as well as tweaking values even without having access to the source of the chart (or the chart repo) used for deployment .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-shipping-images-with-a-registry class: title Shipping images with a registry .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-helm-secrets) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-registries) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Shipping images with a registry - Initially, our app was running on a single node - We could *build* and *run* in the same place - Therefore, we did not need to *ship* anything - Now that we want to run on a cluster, things are different - The easiest way to ship container images is to use a registry .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## How Docker registries work (a reminder) - What happens when we execute `docker run alpine` ? - If the Engine needs to pull the `alpine` image, it expands it into `library/alpine` - `library/alpine` is expanded into `` - The Engine communicates with `` to retrieve `library/alpine:latest` - To use something else than ``, we specify it in the image name - Examples: ```bash docker pull docker build -t . docker push ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Running DockerCoins on Kubernetes - Create one deployment for each component (hasher, redis, rng, webui, worker) - Expose deployments that need to accept connections (hasher, redis, rng, webui) - For redis, we can use the official redis image - For the 4 others, we need to build images and push them to some registry .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Building and shipping images - There are *many* options! - Manually: - build locally (with `docker build` or otherwise) - push to the registry - Automatically: - build and test locally - when ready, commit and push a code repository - the code repository notifies an automated build system - that system gets the code, builds it, pushes the image to the registry .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Which registry do we want to use? - There are SAAS products like Docker Hub, Quay ... - Each major cloud provider has an option as well (ACR on Azure, ECR on AWS, GCR on Google Cloud...) - There are also commercial products to run our own registry (Docker EE, Quay...) - And open source options, too! - When picking a registry, pay attention to its build system (when it has one) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Building on the fly - Some services can build images on the fly from a repository - Example: []( .exercise[ - Use to automatically build a container image and run it: ```bash docker run ``` ] There might be a long pause before the first layer is pulled, because the API behind `docker pull` doesn't allow to stream build logs, and there is no feedback during the build. It is possible to view the build logs by setting up an account on []( .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-registries class: title Registries .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-shipping-images-with-a-registry) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-automation--cicd) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Registries - There are lots of options to ship our container images to a registry - We can group them depending on some characteristics: - SaaS or self-hosted - with or without a build system .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Docker registry - Self-hosted and [open source]( - Runs in a single Docker container - Supports multiple storage backends - Supports basic authentication out of the box - [Other authentication schemes]( through proxy or delegation - No build system - To run it with the Docker engine: ```shell docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2 ``` - Or use the dedicated plugin in minikube, microk8s, etc. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Harbor - Self-hostend and [open source]( - Supports both Docker images and Helm charts - Advanced authentification mechanism - Multi-site synchronisation - Vulnerability scanning - No build system - To run it with Helm: ```shell helm repo add harbor helm install my-release harbor/harbor ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Gitlab - Available both as a SaaS product and self-hosted - SaaS product is free for open source projects; paid subscription otherwise - Some parts are [open source]( - Integrated CI - No build system (but a custom build system can be hooked to the CI) - To run it with Helm: ```shell helm repo add gitlab helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Docker Hub - SaaS product: []( - Free for public image; paid subscription for private ones - Build system included .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Quay - Available both as a SaaS product (Quay) and self-hosted ([]( - SaaS product is free for public repositories; paid subscription otherwise - Some components of Quay and are open source (see [Project Quay]( and the [announcement]( - Build system included .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-automation--cicd class: title Automation && CI/CD .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-registries) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-rolling-updates) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Automation && CI/CD What we've done so far: - development of our application - manual testing, and exploration of automated testing strategies - packaging in a container image - shipping that image to a registry What still need to be done: - deployment of our application - automation of the whole build / ship / run cycle .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Jenkins / Jenkins-X - Multi-purpose CI - Self-hosted CI for kubernetes - create a namespace per commit and apply manifests in the namespace "A deploy per feature-branch" .small[ ```shell curl -L "" | tar xzv jx ./jx boot ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## GitLab - Repository + registry + CI/CD integrated all-in-one ```shell helm repo add gitlab helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## ArgoCD / flux - Watch a git repository and apply changes to kubernetes - provide UI to see changes, rollback .small[ ```shell kubectl apply -f ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Tekton / knative - knative is serverless project from google - Tekton leverages knative to run pipelines - not really user friendly today, but stay tune for wrappers/products .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exercise - building with Kubernetes - Let's go to - Our goal is to follow the instructions and complete exercise #1 .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Privileged container - Running privileged container could be really harmful for the node it run on. - Getting control of a node could expose other containers in the cluster and the cluster itself - It's even worse when it is docker that run in this privileged container - `docker build` doesn't allow to run privileged container for building layer - nothing forbid to run `docker run --privileged` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Kaniko - - *kaniko doesn't depend on a Docker daemon and executes each command within a Dockerfile completely in userspace* - Kaniko is only a build system, there is no runtime like docker does - generates OCI compatible image, so could be run on Docker or other CRI - use a different cache system than Docker .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Rootless docker and rootless buildkit - This is experimental - Have a lot of requirement of kernel param, options to set - But it exists .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exercice - build with kaniko Complete exercise #2, (again code at: ) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-rolling-updates class: title Rolling updates .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-automation--cicd) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-advanced-rollout) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Rolling updates - By default (without rolling updates), when a scaled resource is updated: - new pods are created - old pods are terminated - ... all at the same time - if something goes wrong, ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Rolling updates - With rolling updates, when a Deployment is updated, it happens progressively - The Deployment controls multiple Replica Sets - Each Replica Set is a group of identical Pods (with the same image, arguments, parameters ...) - During the rolling update, we have at least two Replica Sets: - the "new" set (corresponding to the "target" version) - at least one "old" set - We can have multiple "old" sets (if we start another update before the first one is done) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Update strategy - Two parameters determine the pace of the rollout: `maxUnavailable` and `maxSurge` - They can be specified in absolute number of pods, or percentage of the `replicas` count - At any given time ... - there will always be at least `replicas`-`maxUnavailable` pods available - there will never be more than `replicas`+`maxSurge` pods in total - there will therefore be up to `maxUnavailable`+`maxSurge` pods being updated - We have the possibility of rolling back to the previous version (if the update fails or is unsatisfactory in any way) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking current rollout parameters - Recall how we build custom reports with `kubectl` and `jq`: .exercise[ - Show the rollout plan for our deployments: ```bash kubectl get deploy -o json | jq ".items[] | {} + .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate" ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Rolling updates in practice - As of Kubernetes 1.8, we can do rolling updates with: `deployments`, `daemonsets`, `statefulsets` - Editing one of these resources will automatically result in a rolling update - Rolling updates can be monitored with the `kubectl rollout` subcommand .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Rolling out the new `worker` service .exercise[ - Let's monitor what's going on by opening a few terminals, and run: ```bash kubectl get pods -w kubectl get replicasets -w kubectl get deployments -w ``` - Update `worker` either with `kubectl edit`, or by running: ```bash kubectl set image deploy worker worker=dockercoins/worker:v0.2 ``` ] -- That rollout should be pretty quick. What shows in the web UI? .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Give it some time - At first, it looks like nothing is happening (the graph remains at the same level) - According to `kubectl get deploy -w`, the `deployment` was updated really quickly - But `kubectl get pods -w` tells a different story - The old `pods` are still here, and they stay in `Terminating` state for a while - Eventually, they are terminated; and then the graph decreases significantly - This delay is due to the fact that our worker doesn't handle signals - Kubernetes sends a "polite" shutdown request to the worker, which ignores it - After a grace period, Kubernetes gets impatient and kills the container (The grace period is 30 seconds, but [can be changed]( if needed) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Rolling out something invalid - What happens if we make a mistake? .exercise[ - Update `worker` by specifying a non-existent image: ```bash kubectl set image deploy worker worker=dockercoins/worker:v0.3 ``` - Check what's going on: ```bash kubectl rollout status deploy worker ``` / ] -- Our rollout is stuck. However, the app is not dead. (After a minute, it will stabilize to be 20-25% slower.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## What's going on with our rollout? - Why is our app a bit slower? - Because `MaxUnavailable=25%` ... So the rollout terminated 2 replicas out of 10 available - Okay, but why do we see 5 new replicas being rolled out? - Because `MaxSurge=25%` ... So in addition to replacing 2 replicas, the rollout is also starting 3 more - It rounded down the number of MaxUnavailable pods conservatively, but the total number of pods being rolled out is allowed to be 25+25=50% .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## The nitty-gritty details - We start with 10 pods running for the `worker` deployment - Current settings: MaxUnavailable=25% and MaxSurge=25% - When we start the rollout: - two replicas are taken down (as per MaxUnavailable=25%) - two others are created (with the new version) to replace them - three others are created (with the new version) per MaxSurge=25%) - Now we have 8 replicas up and running, and 5 being deployed - Our rollout is stuck at this point! .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Checking the dashboard during the bad rollout If you didn't deploy the Kubernetes dashboard earlier, just skip this slide. .exercise[ - Connect to the dashboard that we deployed earlier - Check that we have failures in Deployments, Pods, and Replica Sets - Can we see the reason for the failure? ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Recovering from a bad rollout - We could push some `v0.3` image (the pod retry logic will eventually catch it and the rollout will proceed) - Or we could invoke a manual rollback .exercise[ - Cancel the deployment and wait for the dust to settle: ```bash kubectl rollout undo deploy worker kubectl rollout status deploy worker ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Rolling back to an older version - We reverted to `v0.2` - But this version still has a performance problem - How can we get back to the previous version? .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Multiple "undos" - What happens if we try `kubectl rollout undo` again? .exercise[ - Try it: ```bash kubectl rollout undo deployment worker ``` - Check the web UI, the list of pods ... ] 🤔 That didn't work. .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Multiple "undos" don't work - If we see successive versions as a stack: - `kubectl rollout undo` doesn't "pop" the last element from the stack - it copies the N-1th element to the top - Multiple "undos" just swap back and forth between the last two versions! .exercise[ - Go back to v0.2 again: ```bash kubectl rollout undo deployment worker ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## In this specific scenario - Our version numbers are easy to guess - What if we had used git hashes? - What if we had changed other parameters in the Pod spec? .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Listing versions - We can list successive versions of a Deployment with `kubectl rollout history` .exercise[ - Look at our successive versions: ```bash kubectl rollout history deployment worker ``` ] We don't see *all* revisions. We might see something like 1, 4, 5. (Depending on how many "undos" we did before.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Explaining deployment revisions - These revisions correspond to our Replica Sets - This information is stored in the Replica Set annotations .exercise[ - Check the annotations for our replica sets: ```bash kubectl describe replicasets -l app=worker | grep -A3 ^Annotations ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details class: hide-exercise ## What about the missing revisions? - The missing revisions are stored in another annotation: `` - These are not shown in `kubectl rollout history` - We could easily reconstruct the full list with a script (if we wanted to!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: hide-exercise ## Rolling back to an older version - `kubectl rollout undo` can work with a revision number .exercise[ - Roll back to the "known good" deployment version: ```bash kubectl rollout undo deployment worker --to-revision=1 ``` - Check the web UI or the list of pods ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details class: hide-exercise ## Changing rollout parameters - We want to: - revert to `v0.1` - be conservative on availability (always have desired number of available workers) - go slow on rollout speed (update only one pod at a time) - give some time to our workers to "warm up" before starting more The corresponding changes can be expressed in the following YAML snippet: .small[ ```yaml spec: template: spec: containers: - name: worker image: dockercoins/worker:v0.1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 0 maxSurge: 1 minReadySeconds: 10 ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details class: hide-exercise ## Applying changes through a YAML patch - We could use `kubectl edit deployment worker` - But we could also use `kubectl patch` with the exact YAML shown before .exercise[ .small[ - Apply all our changes and wait for them to take effect: ```bash kubectl patch deployment worker -p " spec: template: spec: containers: - name: worker image: dockercoins/worker:v0.1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 0 maxSurge: 1 minReadySeconds: 10 " kubectl rollout status deployment worker kubectl get deploy -o json worker | jq "{} + .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate" ``` ] ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-advanced-rollout class: title Advanced Rollout .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-rolling-updates) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-3) | [Next section](#toc-prometheus) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Advanced Rollout - In some cases the built-in mechanism of kubernetes is not enough. - You want more control on the rollout, include a feedback of the monitoring, deploying on multiple clusters, etc - Two "main" strategies exist here: - canary deployment - blue/green deployment .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Canary deployment - focus on one component of the stack - deploy a new version of the component close to the production - redirect some portion of prod traffic to new version - scale up new version, redirect more traffic, checking everything is ok - scale down old version - move component to component with the same procedure - That's what kubernetes does by default, but does every components at the same time - Could be paired with `kubectl wait --for` and applying component sequentially, for hand made canary deployement .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Blue/Green deployment - focus on entire stack - deploy a new stack - check the new stack work as espected - put traffic on new stack, rollback if any goes wrong - garbage collect the previous infra structure - there is nothing like that by default in kubernetes - helm chart with multiple releases is the closest one - could be paired with ingress feature like `*` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Not hand-made ? There is a few additionnal controllers that help achieving those kind of rollout behaviours They leverage kubernetes API at different levels to achieve this goal. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Spinnaker - - Help to deploy the same app on multiple cluster. - Is able to analyse rollout status (canary analysis) and correlate it to monitoring - Rollback if anything goes wrong - also support Blue/Green - Configuration done via UI .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Argo-rollout - - Replace your deployments with CRD (Custom Resource Definition) "deployment-like" - Full control via CRDs - BlueGreen and Canary deployment .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## We are done, what else ? We have seen what means developping an application on kubernetes. There still few subjects to tackle that are not purely relevant for developers They have *some involvement* for developers: - Monitoring - Security .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-prometheus class: title Prometheus .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-advanced-rollout) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-4) | [Next section](#toc-opentelemetry) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Prometheus Prometheus is a monitoring system with a small storage I/O footprint. It's quite ubiquitous in the Kubernetes world. This section is not an in-depth description of Prometheus. *Note: More on Prometheus next day!* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Prometheus exporter - Prometheus *scrapes* (pulls) metrics from *exporters* - A Prometheus exporter is an HTTP endpoint serving a response like this one: ``` # HELP http_requests_total The total number of HTTP requests. # TYPE http_requests_total counter http_requests_total{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000 http_requests_total{method="post",code="400"} 3 1395066363000 # Minimalistic line: metric_without_timestamp_and_labels 12.47 ``` - Our goal, as a developer, will be to expose such an endpoint to Prometheus .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Implementing a Prometheus exporter Multiple strategies can be used: - Implement the exporter in the application itself (especially if it's already an HTTP server) - Use building blocks that may already expose such an endpoint (puma, uwsgi) - Add a sidecar exporter that leverages and adapts an existing monitoring channel (e.g. JMX for Java applications) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Implementing a Prometheus exporter - The Prometheus client libraries are often the easiest solution - They offer multiple ways of integration, including: - "I'm already running a web server, just add a monitoring route" - "I don't have a web server (or I want another one), please run one in a thread" - Client libraries for various languages: - - - (Can you see the pattern?) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding a sidecar exporter - There are many exporters available already: - These are "translators" from one monitoring channel to another - Writing your own is not complicated (using the client libraries mentioned previously) - Avoid exposing the internal monitoring channel more than enough (the app and its sidecars run in the same network namespace, so they can communicate over `localhost`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring the Prometheus server - We need to tell the Prometheus server to *scrape* our exporter - Prometheus has a very flexible "service discovery" mechanism (to discover and enumerate the targets that it should scrape) - Depending on how we installed Prometheus, various methods might be available .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring Prometheus, option 1 - Edit `prometheus.conf` - Always possible (we should always have a Prometheus configuration file somewhere!) - Dangerous and error-prone (if we get it wrong, it is very easy to break Prometheus) - Hard to maintain (the file will grow over time, and might accumulate obsolete information) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring Prometheus, option 2 - Add *annotations* to the pods or services to monitor - We can do that if Prometheus is installed with the official Helm chart - Prometheus will detect these annotations and automatically start scraping - Example: ```yaml annotations: 9090 /metrics ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring Prometheus, option 3 - Create a ServiceMonitor custom resource - We can do that if we are using the CoreOS Prometheus operator - See the [Prometheus operator documentation]( for more details .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exercice - monitor with prometheus Complete exercise #4, (again code at: ) *Note: Not all daemon are "ready" for prometheus, only `hasher` and `redis` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-opentelemetry class: title OpenTelemetry .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-prometheus) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-4) | [Next section](#toc-security-and-kubernetes) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # OpenTelemetry *OpenTelemetry* is a "tracing" framework. It's a fusion of two other frameworks: *OpenTracing* and *OpenCensus*. Its goal is to provide deep integration with programming languages and application frameworks to enabled deep dive tracing of different events accross different components. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Span ! span ! span ! - A unit of tracing is called a *span* - A span has: a start time, a stop time, and an ID - It represents an action that took some time to complete (e.g.: function call, database transaction, REST API call ...) - A span can have a parent span, and can have multiple child spans (e.g.: when calling function `B`, sub-calls to `C` and `D` were issued) - Think of it as a "tree" of calls .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Distributed tracing - When two components interact, their spans can be connected together - Example: microservice `A` sends a REST API call to microservice `B` - `A` will have a span for the call to `B` - `B` will have a span for the call from `A` (that normally starts shortly after, and finishes shortly before) - the span of `A` will be the parent of the span of `B` - they join the same "tree" of calls details: `A` will send headers (depends of the protocol used) to tag the span ID, so that `B` can generate child span and joining the same tree of call .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Centrally stored - What do we do with all these spans? - We store them! - In the previous exemple: - `A` will send trace information to its local agent - `B` will do the same - every span will end up in the same DB - at a later point, we can reconstruct the "tree" of call and analyze it - There are multiple implementations of this stack (agent + DB + web UI) (the most famous open source ones are Zipkin and Jaeger) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Data sampling - Do we store *all* the spans? (it looks like this could need a lot of storage!) - No, we can use *sampling*, to reduce storage and network requirements - Smart sampling is applied directly in the application to save CPU if span is not needed - It also insures that if a span is marked as sampled, all child span are sampled as well (so that the tree of call is complete) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exercice - monitor with opentelemetry Complete exercise #5, (again code at: ) *Note: Not all daemon are "ready" for opentelemetry, only `rng` and `worker` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-security-and-kubernetes class: title Security and kubernetes .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-opentelemetry) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-chapter-4) | [Next section](#toc-) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Security and kubernetes There are many mechanisms in kubernetes to ensure the security. Obviously the more you constrain your app, the better. There is also mechanism to forbid "unsafe" application to be launched on kubernetes, but that's more for ops-guys 😈 (more on that next days) Let's focus on what can we do on the developer latop, to make app compatible with secure system, enforced or not (it's always a good practice) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## No container in privileged mode - risks: - If one privileged container get compromised, we basically get full access to the node from within a container (not need to tamper auth logs, alter binary). - Sniffing networks allow often to get access to the entire cluster. - how to avoid: ``` [...] spec: containers: - name: foo securityContext: privileged: false ``` Luckily that's the default ! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## No container run as "root" - risks: - bind mounting a directory like /usr/bin allow to change node system core ex: copy a tampered version of "ping", wait for an admin to login and to issue a ping command and bingo ! - how to avoid: ``` [...] spec: containers: - name: foo securityContext: runAsUser: 1000 runAsGroup: 100 ``` - The default is to use the image default - If your writing your own Dockerfile, don't forget about the `USER` instruction .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Capabilities - You can give capabilities one-by-one to a container - It's useful if you need more capabilities (for some reason), but not grating 'root' privileged - risks: no risks whatsoever, except by granting a big list of capabilities - how to use: ``` [...] spec: containers: - name: foo securityContext: capabilities: add: ["NET_ADMIN", "SYS_TIME"] drop: [] ``` The default use the container runtime defaults - and we can also drop default capabilities granted by the container runtime ! .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: title, self-paced Thank you! .debug[[shared/](] --- class: title, in-person That's all, folks! Questions?  .debug[[shared/](]